
Posts Tagged: Ireland

Dublin Fashion Festival at Fade Street Social Restaurant

Dublin Fashion Festival at Fade Street Social Restaurant Dublin Fashion Festival at Fade Street Social Restaurant From today until this Sunday 11th of September, you can enjoy a number of events taking place all around Dublin for the Dublin Fashion Festival. Over 250 retailers, restaurants, bars and hotels taking part in the event each year. In the past these have included the city’s 8 flagship stores: Dublin Fashion Festival at Fade Street...

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Old Irish Characters – Easter 2016 in Dublin Ireland

Easter Rising Dublin Ireland 1916 - Easter 2016 in Dublin Old Irish Characters – Easter 2016 in Dublin Ireland We’ve always had the greatest respect for a quality tipple. We’ve traded furs for it, fought wars for it. Even the monks got in on the act. They drank beer because of its health-giving B vitamins and amino acids! What about the old story of High King Muirchertach Mac Erca, who jumped into a barrel of wine to escape from a fire in his...

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Fade Street Social, Dublin Restaurant by Dylan McGrath
Fade Street Social, Dublin Restaurant by Dylan McGrath